
Jeremiah, Part 22

The last days of Jerusalem

In part 22 of our look at Jeremiah, we consider chapters 36 and 37 of this great Old Testament book.

Jeremiah helps us see how believers in the God now revealed to all people in Jesus are to relate to governing authorities, even when what God gives them to say may call those authorities to repentance and faith. I also refer in this episode to the Confessing Church in Germany during Hitler’s reign of terror and mention the three circumstances under which I think it’s appropriate for the Church and its pastors to speak out on political matters.

I’m a pastor of The North American Lutheran Church (NALC). If you’re looking for a local church home where the Gospel of Jesus Christ is rightly proclaimed and the sacraments are rightly administered, you may want to see if there’s a congregation of the NALC near you. You may also want to search the congregational directory of Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ.

Books consulted in preparation for this episode:

Commentary on Jeremiah (Theodore Laetsch)
Eerdmans Handbook to the Bible (no longer in print but still find-able)

Have a good week to come!

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