Hi everybody, I'm Mark Daniels, and this is Route 66, a podcast journey through all 66 books of the Bible. I hope you enjoy this episode. If you do, please like, subscribe, and tell others about this podcast. Welcome. All right, in this session of our look at Jeremiah, it's part 25.
We're picking up at chapter 44, verse 24 here in just a few moments. Let's just set the scene of what's happened in the previous chapters. The Babylonians, Nebuchadnezzar their king, they have completely overrun Jerusalem and all of Judah. They have devastated the cities. They've knocked down the fortress cities, all of the fortifications.
A number of people have been sent away in exile. There are some still there. And there is a brief moment when there is a kind of note of hopefulness for the people of Judah who have been left behind. The crops are looking good and they have a decent governor who is from Judah. But of course,

Jeremiah, Part 25

The idolatry of the nations

This episode covers Jeremiah 44:24-47:7. Honestly, this section of the book, beginning at chapter 46, can be a bit of a grind; but if you stick with it, you’ll see the reward: the promise of God that His grace and forgiveness will be the last and eternal Word over the lives of those who believe in Him.

In this episode, I refer to a number of articles and charts I shared with the people who view this study in its original form live on Facebook. Here are links to them:

The Genealogy of the Kings of Ancient Israel and Judah
The Battle of Carchemish
Origin of the Palestinians
Doom and Gloom (Jeremiah 46-51)

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