
Jeremiah, Part 21

Promises, warnings, a lesson at the Temple

In this episode, we’re looking at Jeremiah 33:19-35:19.Please like, subscribe, and tell others about this podcast, please. Thank you to everyone who does any of those things already.

Subscriptions are free, of course. But paid subscriptions help me buy books I use to prepare for this podcast series and other things I do on Substack. Thank you to the two people who have paid subscriptions to by Substack account! I hope to live up to your trust in my efforts here.

If you’re looking for a church home where the Gospel is rightly proclaimed and the sacraments (Holy Baptism and Holy Communion) are rightly administered, I recommend the congregations of the denomination of which I’m a part, The North American Lutheran Church (NALC). Here’s a directory of NALC congregations.Have a good week!

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