Hi, everyone, and welcome. This is Route 66, a podcast journey through all 66 books of the Bible. I'm glad you've decided to listen in or watch this episode. I hope you enjoy it. If you do, please like or subscribe and let others know about it as well. Thanks so much for being here with me.
All right, in this session, we're gonna be digging into chapter 31 and maybe into chapter 32. Chapter 32, we can make rather short work of once we get to it because it's in narrative form. But we wanna talk in a little bit of detail about Jeremiah 31.
Now, I wanted to just read to you a little introduction that I neglected to share with you. This comes from the New Interpreter's Bible Commentary about chapters 30 and 31 in Jeremiah. We did 30 our last time together. But this is a good introduction, and I think it helps set the table for digging into chapter 31.

Jeremiah, Part 18

New Life and Forgiveness for Dead Sinners

In this episode, I look at Jeremiah 31:1-26.

These episodes begin as Facebook Live webcasts that I slightly edit for Substack and other podcast platforms.

Commentaries I used to prepare for this episode:
Commentary on Jeremiah by Theodore Laetsch
The New Interpreters Bible Commentary

Two articles I shared on Facebook for this episode:
Priests and Levites

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